Sunday, February 24, 2013

02/25 Young, Online and Out of Control

02/25 Young, Online and Out of Control
Youth is surely a most dangerous time for itself. And will remain so until all the cognitive processes are in place at some later time. However, trying to convince a teenager of this is like trying to convince a corpse that physical therapy is the only answer to its problem. Unless one is wise beyond one's years, they will usually only learn of their judgmental deficiencies piecemeal through each self-destructive experience.

Self-destructive experiences of the inexperienced and unwitting that can also impact, disrupt and destroy the lives of others.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Stem Cell Research

I decry all those who would protest against all things for which they have no present need.
E.g., Stem Cell Research. For when their own time of need arrives, they will excuse all previous objections, religious or otherwise, to satisfy their personal and regnant need.
Tom Nass
5th Marine Division - WWII


If today's world societies are so advanced, why is it that they -we, spend the majority of their -our, time and money devising weapons to defend themselves -ourselves, against others of their -our, kind?
It is apparent that TRUST is not any part of anyone's plan for world survival!
Tom Nass
5th Marine Division - WWII

Monday, September 21, 2009

A Toast to the Republican Party

Here's to those wonderful people who gave us the Draft-dodging buffoon, George W. Bush, the cowardly Draft dodger, Dick Cheney, two unnecessary and un-winnable wars -wars that have caused the deaths of over 5,000 of our intrepid Military Personnel and the Maiming, for life, of tens of thousands of others, an unabated destruction of our environment, catastrophic unemployment and an economic disaster that almost caused world-wide bankruptcy. All this in a slavish effort to further satisfy the insatiable Greed of their Special Interest proprietors.
To you, Sirs and Madams of the Bush/Cheney administration and all culpable members of the congress and senate: May God allow the thoughts of the horror that you have brought upon this Country, its citizens, upon the war dead and the maimed, upon their families and friends, to always interfere with your peace of mind!
Tom Nass
5th Marine Division - WWII

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Only one time around for all!

Thomas O. Nass’ Paraphrase and Enhancement of W.C. Lowdermilk , U.S. Dept of Agriculture 1948, from "Conquest of the Land Through 7,000 Years"This Holy Earth

Thou shall inherit this Holy Earth as a Faithful Steward, respecting, protecting and conserving its Environment, its Resources and its Productivity for future generations.
Thou shall safeguard its Fields from erosion; its Soils and sub-Surface from Chemical Saturation; its Waters, its Ground Waters and its Air from Pollution and over-heating. Its Oceans from over fishing; its Forests from desolation; its Mineral Resources from depletion; its Hills from overgrazing by thy herds and its Creatures from extinction, so that thy descendants may enjoy its abundance as once did thee.
All Nations do share in the Ownership of this Holy Earth. Ergo, if any Nation or its leaders should fail in the responsibilities of their Stewardship, then all of thy Crop land shall become sterile ground with wasting gullies; thy waters unfit to drink; thy air too thick to breath; the meat of thy herds and thy flocks, as the spawn of thy waters and thy oceans, unfit to eat. If any of the above should come to pass, then thy descendants shall gradually diminish in their number and eventually depart from off the face of this Holy Earth.
Why? Because thy insatiable greed and thy ignorance of thy ignorance shall have decreed it so.
Thomas O. Nass, Sciline Products

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Caveat Emptor, Mr. President.

Investigate before you buy -or at least before you nominate! And while you at it, Mr. President, hire some new Research Talent and get rid of your current staff of the ethically round-shouldered. Sycophants make inferior “advisors”? Someone in President Obama’s cadre of the unqualified, better grow some balls and try and make an attempt at honesty even at the cost of their job and to the betterment of this Country. It would be refreshing to see headlines proclaiming: “Obama Advisor found guilty of honesty and ethical behavior unbefitting standard political anomalies .”
HEADLINE: Daschle withdraws as nominee for HHS secretary From Associated Press February 03, 2009 1:54 PM EST Tom Daschle has been battling for his nomination since it was disclosed he failed to pay more than $120,000 in taxes. According to President Obama and other politicians: Tom Daschle is a great guy, [but, gentlemen, Tom Daschle is a thief who stole from the taxpayers and this government]. It was reiterated that Tom Daschle could do a great job for HHS, [but , gentlemen, Tom Daschle is a thief who stole from the taxpayers and this government]. It was proclaimed that Tom Daschle was highly respected by all members of congress, [but , gentlemen, Tom Daschle is a thief who stole from the taxpayers and this government]. It was rumored that Tom Daschle owned up to his chicanery. [However, only after being caught and having no other choice. I can’t see much contrition and/or honesty in such a dilatory admission.] It was averred that Tom Daschle was one of the favorites of the self-styled, “congressional boy’s club”, [but , gentlemen, Tom Daschle is a thief who stole from the taxpayers and this government. Based on what continues to come to light, I am sure there are many other, as yet un-caught, “boys” of the “congressional boy’s club” equally at fault.] Don’t forget Tim Geithner, another tax evader, but supposedly needed much more than Daschle. A man who was passed through a number of passages of forgiveness only to be foisted on those who do pay their taxes. Talk about a “Brotherhood of Thieves”!
How about Nancy Killefer, who withdrew her name as nominee for Performance Czar[Who the hell ever came up with this "Czar" crap?] in the Obama administration due to a $946.69 tax lien on her home related to the nonpayment of employment taxes for household help.
Then there was Mayor Eddie Perez, Hartford, Conn, pleaded not guilty Tuesday to bribery and other charges. Perez, 51, is accused of hiring a city contractor, Carlos Costa, to do $40,000 worth of renovations to his home and then paying only half the amount - and only after he was confronted by state investigators in 2007.
And, of course, we must not forget Vincent Fumo who stands accused of misusing millions of dollars that belonged to the state, a maritime museum and a nonprofit community group. Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell is expected to take the witness stand and testify at the federal corruption trial of former state senator Vincent Fumo.
Don't politicians get paid for what little they do -and mostly for themselves at that? Or do they just enjoy stealing from others, including their Country?

Tom Nass
5th Marine Division - WWII

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

“The difference between a Prejudice and a Conviction is that you can explain a Conviction without losing your temper”.

In a specious attempt to appear non-prejudicial, prejudice being ill-considered opinion devoid of intellect and sustained by hate, to itself and the rest of the world, the voters of this Country claim that: “They do not know enough about Barack Obama”.None so blind as those who will not see through this sham that allows the voting public to convince itself and, in particular, others around the world, that it is not prejudiced. The voting public, in its sub rosa prejudice, knows all it wants to know about Barack Obama. They know that he is Black. They also know, but won’t admit, that he is exceptionally talented and knowledgeable with unlimited potential to do good for this Country.Much like Jackie Robinson trying to break that baseball “color barrier” in the 40's, Obama is trying to break the color barrier at the upper level of politics today. Everyone in baseball knew that Robinson was great, but by being great, he was also a threat to “White Dominated Baseball” and all of its White players. It is to be noted, that ever since Robinson broke that “White Dominated Baseball Barrier”, Baseball has prospered, grown and become greater than it ever was. Like Robinson, who was once falsely presumed to be a threat to “White Dominated Baseball” baseball, Obama is now falsely presumed to be a threat to “White Dominated Politics”. If you would consider Obama a threat in the “White Dominated” political arena, you would be right. He definitely is a threat. Make no mistake about it! He is a threat to all that has been mismanaged by Bush; he is a threat to the “Special Interests” that Bush has so slavishly served for eight years at our expense; he is a threat to all those incompetent and unqualified Agency Heads who have criminally neglected our Veterans, Katrina survivors, our economy, our world credibility and our very existence as a growing and respected Country. Those voters who would have voted for Hilary Clinton that now say that they will now vote for McCain. Why? Because they don’t want to see, and feel they could not relate to, a Black First Lady. Those voters who would see this Country destroyed by giving their Clinton votes to the totally unqualified McCain rather than face the fact that they are unalterably prejudiced. I would entreat those voters not to destroy this Country out of a blind intolerance for those who can return this Country to its rightful place in a world where it was once highly respected. It is becoming more and more obvious that if Obama were White, he would be, not 2, but 52 points or more ahead of a confused and unqualified McCain. It is also becoming obvious that the only reason the lies that the republicans continue to heap upon Obama have been so readily accepted by this group of “Hilary to McCain” voters, is because these lies allow them to subconsciously validate their defection and dismisses their prejudice.Barack and Michelle Obama are testimony as to what people can become if only the invisible “Gates of prejudice” are not barred against them. If ever there was a time for those “Gates” to be swung open and to let all who are qualified in, it is NOW! For God’s sake, don’t let your prejudice destroy what we can still salvage of this Country after George Bush leaves town! Don’t forsake your Country out of your prejudice for a black man who is currently our only chance to recover it! God Bless the United States of America and God Bless the Voters of this Country. Tom Nass 5th Marine Division - WWII